Saturday, April 24, 2010


...So, totally traced, but whatever xD; it's not art, but it's lulzy. Mina gets this xD

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tomta Doodles

I doddled this in Art today xD That's a leik in the corner. He's not dressed because the bell rang and I had to go to french. WHY THE HFIL CAN'T I DRAW AAARMS~ -flail-

This is from Yesterday xD; The "hands" bugs me so much. The drawing was really, really tiny xD this is like, scaled up like crazy.

AAAAnd a coloured one xD I doodled this in open canvas a while ago. As Usual, Tomta is being a grumpy-pants.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

WIP Batterfly

My Scanner died.
This is actually finished, but I can't scan it, so have a WIP.

This is my Batterfly, (Monarch Butterfly + fruit bat) for an art project. It's a dry...something print. So, basically, I've gotta scratch this into a sheet of plexiglass with a glorified toothpick, then cover it in ink, and run it through a pressy thing.

It was meant to be expressive, and I always have trouble with meaning. THIS means something to me, though. I combined a bat (which I love and are demonized unfairly when they play a major role in ecology) and a butterfly, which is creepy as hell up close, but universally loved and admired, preforming the same (if not less) important ecological duties than the bat. Or something, I dunno xD

I've also been drawing Anglerfrogs, but that's just because they're awesome.